This is a work in progress. The simulator currently simulates a small part of the full protocol. Go to help

Leios Simulator

This is a simulator for the Leios protocol, a high-throughput and secure protocol from the Ouroboros family. More details about the protocol can be found at The simulator allows you to experiment with different parameters and see how they affect the performance of the protocol. It is meant not only for illustrative and educational purpose, but also as a way to experiment with various designs and prototypes while providing visual insights on their behaviour.

It represents a simplified view of the behaviour of a single node which receives input blocks (IBs) from its peers, bounded by its bandwidth, and endorses them creating endorser blocks (EBs).

The graph plots the evolution over time, discretised as slots, of:

For each parameter, a tooltip ? is available with some explanations. Parameters can be changed and the change is taken into account immediately. Of course, due to the inherent latency of the protocol, the effect won't be reflected immediately on the graph.

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